Rowallan Rotary Sheila Cameron Campsite
Walter Murphy campsite can sleep up to 36 with a minimum of 10. Camping equipment available for Guide groups, details available on request. Click here for outdoor map.
Self-contained kitchen
Electric cooktop with four hot plates
Large Gas Barbecues x 2 with gas bottles
Sink with hot and cold water
Amenities Block
4 toilet cubicles
2 showers
3 hand basins
1 emergency folding bed with blankets and pillow
Outdoor Camp Cooking
1 Brick fireplace to accommodate 4 x cooking fires
1 Brick fireplace to accommodate 1 x cooking fire and 1 hot water copper
Walter Murphy campsite can sleep up to 36 with a minimum of 10. Camping equipment available for Guide groups, details available on request. Click here for outdoor map.
Self-contained kitchen
Electric cooktop with four hot plates
Large Gas Barbecues x 2 with gas bottles
Sink with hot and cold water
Amenities Block
4 toilet cubicles
2 showers
3 hand basins
1 emergency folding bed with blankets and pillow
Outdoor Camp Cooking
1 Brick fireplace to accommodate 4 x cooking fires
1 Brick fireplace to accommodate 1 x cooking fire and 1 hot water copper